Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sitting on the Sidelines

I've been watching some loved ones struggle these past few months.  Nothing major, like life and death, but definitely anxiety provoking for them.  I want so much to tell them what to do and how to approach everything. And when I try, my well-intentioned advice is not necessarily appreciated.  The Lord has helped me to see that struggle is a necessary part of life!  We learn the best lessons when we are stretched in ways we could not have imagined, and we grow to heights that are not possible otherwise. We actually learn more from our mistakes than we do from our successes!  When people we care about are struggling with issues, they have a chance to see God and grow in faith in immeasurable degrees. Melissa speaks to struggling with issues and reports with joy the inspiration that came from it!   So, my role is to uncomfortably sit at the sidelines, and try to stay out of what God is doing in other people's lives!  I need to maintain a respectful distance, approachable silence, and prayerful support as the Lord does His work in the lives of others.  Meanwhile, God has given me plenty to keep me busy!  So, I will focus on doing my calling this week, and let the Lord give the orders to everyone else!  Wishing you times of clear sailing and spiritual hearing! Blessings ~ JBM

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