Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I make lists almost every day.  I'm so afraid I will forget something important, that my lists make me feel more secure. Having my "to-do" on paper lowers my anxiety. Melissa made lists, too.  In her   personal prayer journal , she lists people to pray for and things for which she was grateful. Those are the good kind of lists!  My lists are more a function of my anxiety. The more anxious I am, the more lists I make.  Yesterday, I made three lists all at the same time!  Then I picked up a prayer book that my "adopted" daughter just gave me. The author spoke told of a Bible story where Jesus is being served in Martha's home, but Mary just sits with Jesus and doesn't help out. The punch line is "you are concerned about so many things, but really only one thing is necessary."  Luke 10:41-43.   Only one thing is necessary: listening to Jesus.  I don't have to do everything or be everything. I only have to do what God calls me to do. "It is impossible to do everything that others want you to do, so you have to do what God wants you to do,"  my favorite quote from   The Purpose Driven Life . So, I will continue to write lists, because it does lower my anxiety, but I must also remember to put "pray" on that list, or maybe more importantly, "listen".  Listen to God, which always brings me peace.  May God's peace be with you this day!


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